Friday, 9 January 2015

Wintersett Gull Roosts 09.01.15

7°C,  mild with 4/8 cloud,  a westerly breeze and a shower midday.  By mid afternoon the very strong south westerly wind and driving rain  meant that the bulk of the big gulls headed over to Wintersett Res, where there were no observers.   There was just one notable in Anglers CP roost,  a  juvenile Iceland Gull  in at 15.27hrs.
NB: Ingbirchworth roost:  Adult Caspian Gull,  Adult  Mediterranean Gull,  one pure white Black head Gull and  10+ argentatus Herring Gull  per @birdline
Pugneys Roost: A 3rd W Yellow-legged Gull was the only notable in atrocious conditions. per @jonnybirder

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