Sunday, 24 January 2016

Weekend and recent roundup 24/1/16.

Wilthorpe Marsh - Jack Snipe 5, Common 20, Rail 3+, Linnet flock 100+, 70 Pied Wags left sewage farm towards town today at 3-50pm, Mistle Thrush 18, Fieldfare 5, Willow Tit 3, Buzzard 3. Dodworth capitol park ind. est. - 2 Jack Snipe today. Ewden valley from road yesterday aft. - very steady with Peregrine, Buzzard 2, Kestrel 4, Fieldfare 200 with 200 Starlings mostly down. Woolley Dam, Mill Lane, A61 circ. - quiet with no sign of any peckers but 11 Teal, 6 Siskin, 200 Woodpigeon.

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