Thursday, 5 June 2014

Carlton Marsh

I sacrificed the last Spring watch programme of the week to go ringing and boy am I glad I did. I only caught 1 juvenile Goldfinch, 1 re-trapped Chiffchaff, 1 Sedge Warbler and 2 Reed Warblers, but it only takes one to make it a good session. This time it was a French ringed Reed Warbler. Although we have had many Carlton Marsh ringed birds recovered abroad, this is only the second ever control of a foreign ringed bird here. As it happens the previous one was also a Reed Warbler, a female that was ringed in Belgium and was breeding at Carlton Marsh in 1987.

Martin these are the details for you to find out where it was ringed. The ring had Museum Paris 6708214 and it was an adult male with a wing of 67mm and weighed in at 12 grams. It was released at 19.52hrs.

Shortly after, a newly arrived Grasshopper Warbler began to sing on the Western Meadow.


Martin Wells said...

I'll get that sent off Cliff and post the details on here when I get them back. (Often quite some time with foreign ringing schemes).

Cliff Gorman said...

Thanks Martin