Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Just received the following ringing recoveries.

FB11707  1J    25-07-10  Broomhill Flash
               shot   06-12-14  Barnsley. 8kms WNW (probably locally)

Reed Warbler
Paris         3     29-08-11  Poine d'Offoy 50.10'N 1.29'N, Cayeux-sur-Mer
6708214                           (Somme) France.
                 v     05-06-14  Carlton Marsh. 430 km NNW 1011 days.


Cliff Gorman said...
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Cliff Gorman said...

Thanks for tracing the Frenchie Martin. This our 3rd foreign ringed Reed Warbler, the previous two were ringed in Belgium and Portugal.